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Pre orders & special editions

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    • Wed 11 June / Book Launch and Conversation with Dr Rosa Vasquez Espinoza

      Wed 11 June / Book Launch and Conversation with...

      Writing Nature is a series of events highlighting local/global writing on the natural world; our love for wild places, growing & eco systems, caring for land & sustainability, from Devon...

      Wed 11 June / Book Launch and Conversation with...

      Writing Nature is a series of events highlighting local/global writing on the natural world; our love for wild places, growing & eco systems, caring for land & sustainability, from Devon...

    • Thurs 15 May / Poppy Okotcha & Sophie Pavelle

      Thurs 15 May / Poppy Okotcha & Sophie Pavelle

      Writing Nature is a series of events highlighting local/global writing on the natural world; our love for wild places, growing & eco systems, caring for land & sustainability, from Devon to...

      Thurs 15 May / Poppy Okotcha & Sophie Pavelle

      Writing Nature is a series of events highlighting local/global writing on the natural world; our love for wild places, growing & eco systems, caring for land & sustainability, from Devon to...

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    About Bookbag

    At Bookbag we celebrate local/global stories. Visit our friendly bookshop in McCoys Arcade, off Fore Street, Exeter.

    A social space, we program a range of events including an open mic night, author talks and we co-produce literary festival Africa Writes - Exeter. We collaborate with arts organisations, schools, and community groups across the UK to provide book lists, arrange author visits, run pop-up bookshops and more. Get in touch!

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    Fore Street Stories

    A writing project - coming soon

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